Here at Still Mothers, we value the life of all babies. We’ve chosen to avoid the use of the term “Rainbow Baby” because we don’t see it as a useful term in our community.
Often you will hear the terms “Sunshine” to describe a child born before the baby(ies) who died, and “Rainbow” to describe a child born after the baby(ies) who died. This has led us to ask – does using these terms mean that the baby who died is a “Storm”? We’re just not okay with that!
We believe each baby, regardless of his or her place in a family, should be just who he or she is, without having a potentially upsetting title. So instead we’ll say: baby born after loss (or younger sibling), baby who died, and baby born before loss (or older sibling).
We believe that healing is possible, even if you never get your “rainbow after the storm”, or as we’d say, your child’s younger sibling.