In the past years I have avoided even acknowledging October. Partially being bitter that the rest of the year is exactly the same for me, and partially for reasons Halloween related. However, this year is different. This year I am trying to go beyond my comfort zone and think outside my own awareness.
I have spent my time learning more about the different kinds of loss outside of the ones I experienced. I have filled my head with as much information as it can handle. There’s a security I feel in “the more I know...” (Insert my husband looking at me like I’m nuts to want to think about it everyday and be willingly learn more!)
In processing this information I’ve seen a common thread amongst us 1 in 4; being aware without it consuming you (negatively) is the fine line we all walk. Striking a balance between talking openly, but not allowing the emotions around it to take us over fully. There is a relief to being candid that can quickly be overshadowed by a downward spiral into angst.
I hope for all of us to be able to find that balance. To be able to advocate without it trudging up the suffering. I get the feeling in a bit more time I’ll stumble across it, laying somewhere between remembering and forgetting.
- This Mother’s Day - May 2, 2016
- Thoughts on Your birthday - March 28, 2016
- Personal Trials at Work - February 17, 2016