I loved you from the moment I knew you were there. When I heard your heartbeat I felt something inside me change, my mothering instincts kicked in. I wanted to love and keep you safe for the rest of my life. I have never been more happy. My life was changing but I was ready. When you died 5 years ago, a piece of me went with you.
Being a mother without any living children is the hardest thing I’ve ever known. I dream of the day where I’m holding my precious, healthy baby in my arms. I long for a child of my own to raise, to love, to experience life with.
Every day is a battle. All around me I see mothers with their children, pregnant mothers ready to bring their child into the world. And of course I am happy for them, for people who have the miracle of creating life that survived, I truly am. But that doesn’t mean that my heart doesn’t hurt, that my soul isn’t weary from this impossible journey of invisible motherhood.
I do not get to look across the room at my child’s face and think about how blessed I am. I look to the sky and somehow I know my angel is there, watching over me. I do find comfort in that during my weakest moments. If I had the chance to go back, to erase all this pain, I wouldn’t. Its all worth it, this love I have for my angel is unlike anything I’ve ever felt.
Being a Still Mother is isolating. I feel far away from the rest of the world. I don’t get to swap stories about the hilarious things our children did, I don’t get plan birthday parties or cry about how fast my child is growing up.
As the years pass, it gets more difficult, the urge to bring a baby into the world grows stronger with every passing day. I have hope that someday I will get to experience the joys of motherhood, instead of the darkness.
All I have left of my angel is ultrasound pictures and all these thoughts about who you would be today. My 4 1/2 year old sweetheart. My only child lives in heaven, there’s no words to explain the pain of that truth.
Emily Hamlett is a 26 year old, single woman. She works and goes to school full time. She enjoys music, reading, spending time with her wonderful family. She lost her only child to a miscarriage in 2011.
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