When the New Year began on January 1st I should have been ringing it in with my 8 month old. Instead, I was surrounded by a bunch of people that I barely know. Surrounded by a bunch of people who do not know my pain. Surrounded around a bunch of people who were ecstatic they had a babysitter for the night. I wanted to be able to say that I had a babysitter for the night because that would mean that I had a baby. But once again I didn’t. Once again I am living another year with no child. Once again I am living the same year over and over.
2017 will be my year….. At least that’s what everyone keeps saying. But I don’t want 2017 to be my year. 2016 was supposed to be my year. 2016 turned into the worst year of my life and it will spill into 2017. I do however have a little twinkle of hope that 2017 may be different. I hope that 2017 will just not be a sink pool of sadness and grief. Rowan’s spirit lives on in my heart and I want that spirit in the light and not consumed by darkness. So I keep telling myself that 2017 will be her year!
2017 will not bring her back but she will live on, through me.
- Infertility vs Cancer - April 19, 2021
- Loss is Not a Dirty Word - December 7, 2020
- What I Wish I Could Tell the Non-Loss Community - November 17, 2020