The Mothering Project

You know, a lot of times loss mothers feel excluded from the world of motherhood because our mothering looks different than “traditional” mothering. I know I struggle with this, and many other Still Mothers do, as well. It’s hard to feel like a mother when your child is missing from your arms.
But motherhood doesn’t end when your child dies. Once that part of your heart is opened, it never closes again. You are still a mother, even when your precious child dies.
Look inside yourself, and feel your mother heart beating.
On the lead up to Mother’s Day, we’ve been thinking about how we – as Still Mothers – can take our place in the world of motherhood. To proudly say “I’m still a mother!”
And here’s what we’ve created: a sweet and simply way to stand with your fellow mothers and claim the recognition you deserve: The Mother Shirt.

We want all loss mothers to participate!

If you’re able, order yourself a Mother Shirt* and share a photo of yourself wearing it proudly as you mother your child who died.

Maybe you wear it as you tend to their grave, maybe you wear it as you cuddle your weighted bear, maybe you make his/her favorite meals while you’re wearing your shirt.
However you mother your child who died, we want to see it!

Use the hashtags #stillmothering, #thisisstillmotherhood, and/or #wearestillmothers to share your photos the week leading up to Mother’s Day (May 7th – 13th). And be sure to send us links to your blog if you write about your experience as a loss mom who’s still mothering her child after death.

Together, let’s tell the world, We are Still Mothers!

Order your shirt here:

 You may want to share this link with family and friends who would consider gifting you one for Mother’s Day 🙂
We can’t wait to see all the beautiful mothers in our community!
*Don’t worry if you can’t order a shirt! You are still welcome to participate! Just take a photo of yourself doing something you do to mother your child who died. All loss mothers are welcome <3

RaeAnne Fredrickson
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Written by 

RaeAnne Fredrickson is mama to Samuel Evan, who was carried to birth with all her love, after receiving a fatal diagnosis early in pregnancy. She is the creator, co-founder, and Editor of Still Mothers. She is the founding owner of All That Love Can Do, a resource for families who continue pregnancy after a fatal diagnosis. She is a contributing author of Still Standing Magazine, and All That Love Can Do, and her own blog, The Love We Carry. Her story is featured in Still Standing: Because They Lived and "Invisible Mothers". She is married to her faithful husband, Bryan. She speaks openly about life and loss, the joy of carrying her son, and the heartache of living without him. She believes no one should have to face a life of loss alone.

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