Sending all my love to the mother who wakes up with tears in her eyes on Mother’s Day. To the mother who will receive minimal acknowledgment of her motherhood on the very day dedicated to her. Today is a hard day.
Sending all my love to the mother who has struggled in the weeks leading up to today. To the mother who has walked through the stores and noticed all the signs. “Celebrate mom this Mother’s Day.” To the mother who turned her head from the signs, but couldn’t look away because those damn signs are everywhere. To the mother who feels another shard stabbed into her already broken heart when she sees the ubiquitous Mother’s Day reminders.
Sending all my love to the mother who will be missing her child on Mother’s Day. To the mother who will be looking at all other children who are the same age as hers should be, would be. And who will long for her child or children to be here, growing beside her. To the mother who desperately wishes today and every day that she could be telling her child how much she loves him instead of whispering it into the air.
Sending all my love to the mother who persevered through today. To the mother who cried grateful tears when she received a card from a loving neighbor or a text from caring family and thoughtful friends. Who was so very appreciative of those who acknowledge her as a mother. Because to acknowledge her motherhood is to recognize her child’s life, as well.
Sending all my love to the mother who rose from bed today, despite the challenges. To the mother who tried to get past her own broken heart to acknowledge and celebrate her own mother. Today is a hard day, but you are a brave mother, a strong mother. Sending my love, admiration and respect to all mothers, but especially to you, the seemingly-invisible warrior mother.
You are a beautiful mother.
- Legacies - November 27, 2017
- Stay Brave - November 6, 2017
- My Love/Hate Relationship with Facebook - October 2, 2017