- The OrnamentDecember 7, 20212Maureen Schaefer
The last two years have been tumultuous, full of change, growth, steps forward, and steps back. A divorce. Two moves. A new home with a ...
- Infertility vs CancerApril 19, 20210Guest Post
You would never think they are comparable, but they are. Who has it worse? Everyone loves to play this game. If asked, everyone would say cancer. ...
- Loss is Not a Dirty WordDecember 7, 20202Guest Post
Loss is not a dirty word. To anyone that has never experienced a loss, specifically a child loss, the statement may seem silly. Anyone who hasn't ...
- What I Wish I Could Tell the Non-Loss CommunityNovember 17, 20203Guest Post
What I wish I could tell the non-loss community: My grief overwhelms me. Some days I sit and cry all day. Some days I’m so angry ...
- The Importance Of PicturesOctober 12, 20200Andrea Manning
On the tragic day that Jack Teigen-Legend lost his life, I woke to a very kind text. My friend was warning me the news was ...
- In The BeforeSeptember 22, 20200Guest Post
I want to live in the before. It’s a land of abundant sunshine and green grass. A place that I once lived and where I only thought I ...
- GriefSeptember 6, 20200Guest Post
My grief is heavy today. There is no one to tell. No one to turn to. I must be resilient and self-reliant. The clock stopped ...
- ExpectationsAugust 30, 20201Guest Post
We have this image in our heads of the people in our lives. We see what they do for others in times of need. We ...
- To My FriendJuly 6, 20201Guest Post
To my friend who asks about my pregnancy. Thank you. Thank you for realising I want to talk about it. Thank you for realising my pregnancy ...
- The Silent PartnerJune 16, 202011Guest Post
By Clare Hedges I was scrolling through my phone at the end of May and saw an advertisement that gave me that sick feeling in the ...
- Grieving FathersJune 15, 20200Guest Post
This one is for the fathers of our children. The ones that were there for us through our pregnancies, our tears, our grief, our surgeries. ...
- Those Early DaysMay 4, 20202Guest Post
Those early grief days were some of the hardest days of my life. I say that as a survivor of child abuse. I say that ...
- Bereaved Motherhood During A PandemicApril 27, 20201Guest Post
By Alison Ferrera Bereaved motherhood and a pandemic is complicated and there is much to say, but let me just start by saying COVID-19 sucks. It sucks ...
- Lockdown For Parents With Empty ArmsApril 16, 20203Guest Post
By Clare Hedges I woke up this morning with a desire to get some words out of my head and onto paper. It has been a ...
- Self-Isolation And Still MothersApril 3, 20207Andrea Manning
Well, the world has pretty much gone insane and it is my goal to write this post without using the words “unprecedented times”. Because I ...
- Dear FriendJanuary 14, 20200Guest Post
By Chelsea Roman The days and weeks after the death of my daughter, Athena, I’ve been flooded with “I can’t imagine” and similar comments; they are ...
- Christmas Isn't Just For Those With Living ChildrenDecember 24, 20190Guest Post
By Amii Whelan "I think they should let those with children go home early for Christmas, it's hard for those of us with young kids", "I'm ...
- Hobbies That Turn On UsDecember 17, 20190Maureen Schaefer
Losing our babies changes everything in life for us. We lose not just our babies, but the future we had envisioned with them. We lose ...
- I Don't Want To Talk About ItDecember 10, 20190Guest Post
By Chelsea Roman I don’t want to talk about it. (Yes I do.) I’m doing alright. (I am anything but okay.) What I really mean is I don’t ...
- The Devil Doesn't Need More AdvocatesDecember 3, 20190Maureen Schaefer
The internet is both one of the best and the worst things to happen in the world of grief support. We now have websites, pages, ...
- Dear FamilyNovember 19, 20190Guest Post
By Necol Dickson Dear Family, I know that me deciding not to be involved in Christmas this year may come across as seeming rude, inconsiderate and hurtful. ...
- Please Don't Push Your Pregnancy On MeNovember 4, 20191Guest Post
By Amy Peterson As a popular blogger and fellow loss mom wrote, we live in a pregnancy and baby obsessed society. “Mom culture” has exploded in ...
- Never The SameOctober 21, 20193Guest Post
By Gina Onorevole (Editor's note: this article does touch on faith, keeping positive, and hopes for future living children; if these are sensitive topics for you, ...
- As A Parent, I Have EmpathyOctober 4, 20190Maureen Schaefer
Earlier this year, I wrote about one of the phrases I hate, namely when people accuse us of being 'stuck' in our grief. A writing ...
- The Proof Is On The Water FilterSeptember 23, 20192Guest Post
By Deborah Hansen In the months, and even years, after the moment those dreaded words were spoken, “I am so sorry, there is no heartbeat”. (And, ...
- The Path Not ChosenSeptember 17, 20190Maureen Schaefer
Growing up, I assumed that parenthood was a given; you grew up, got married and had kids. The college you went to, the job you ...
- Sharing My TruthAugust 27, 20190Beth Ann Morhardt
As a single Mom of an angel son, who also chose not to have other children, many have met me at different stages of my ...
- And Here We AreJune 24, 20190Andrea Manning
It’s that time of year again, where my Facebook memories from 2012 cryptically allude to my pregnancy. We hadn’t announced, yet - soon, but reading ...
- StuckJune 18, 20192Maureen Schaefer
One common experience of bereaved parents is the unhelpful comments that are so often directed at us. One of the ones that I most hate ...
- It Is Your BodyMay 28, 20191Guest Post
By Deborah Hansen Ladies, it is time to take back our bodies! I have lived in this body for 47 years. Before seeking medical intervention to have ...
- Being More Than BereavedApril 29, 20193Ashleigh McDonald
I am a Still Mother. That much is infinitely true. But, this is only one aspect of my existence and my story. While it is ...
- Walk Me HomeApril 17, 20190Guest Post
By Alison Ferrara *Editor’s Note: This post was originally published on Alison's blog here. At some point in our lives we will all encounter grief. It may ...
- Giving BackApril 1, 20190Beth Ann Morhardt
There are so many things that losing a baby steals from a Mom. We lose innocence, optimism, fulfilled dreams, hope, maybe faith and some really ...
- One Day, It Will Feel Safe To Begin To Peek Out & ExploreFebruary 18, 20190Beth Ann Morhardt
Sometimes, I find myself reading posts from Moms that are at the very beginning of their loss journey and my heart aches for them. The ...
- Vulnerability & Lack of ProtectionJanuary 28, 20190Beth Ann Morhardt
Recently, I had a professional experience in which someone intentionally utilized my blogs about Kendall as a way to discredit me. The implication was that ...
- We Don't Need CandlesJanuary 21, 20191Andrea Manning
We are midway through January; keeping with the zeal of New Year's resolutions and hope - I'm on a real organization kick in my house. ...
- Just Another Stage of GriefDecember 19, 20183Guest Post
By Antonietta Bocci Grief is often classified as consisting in a variable number of stages, some of which include guilt as a necessary step towards healing ...
- Taboo EmotionsDecember 17, 20180Guest Post
By Amy Peterson Grief is messy. This is a simple truth that much of society still doesn't want to accept. Some people try to sugarcoat it. ...
- Holiday Cheer, Not So MuchDecember 10, 20180Beth Ann Morhardt
Happy Holidays! Such a simple wish, seemingly full of joy and comfort. Yet, for those who are missing a baby or child during this season, ...
- An "Un" Topic of ConversationDecember 3, 20180Guest Post
By Crystal Barber As you grow up, there are always topics of conversation that seem to take place with every new person you meet. It starts ...
- No Longer Truly AloneNovember 26, 20180Beth Ann Morhardt
Last month marked what would have been Kendall’s 20th birthday. I spent it alone, as I have almost every other one, yet this time was ...
- Grief Was Waiting For MeNovember 12, 20180Andrea Manning
I thought today would be different. Isn’t that cute? Six years of mourning and I thought it would be different. Six years ago today, we ...
- 20 Years of TogetherlessOctober 19, 20181Beth Ann Morhardt
October 20th will mark what would have been Kendall's 20th Birthday. Yet, like every other year, there will be no celebration. There will be moments ...
- Castrated DialoguesOctober 15, 20180Guest Post
by Antonietta Bocci As a grieving mother of a baby girl born and lost six months ago, I’m in the middle of what they call “the ...
- Kid GlovesOctober 1, 20182Guest Post
By Stephanie Martinez No one remembers our babies. At least not until someone in the family gets pregnant. Then its “don’t tell Stephanie” or “How do ...
- Finding FemininitySeptember 24, 20180Beth Ann Morhardt
I was 28 when I was surprised by the news I was pregnant. I was taken back by the news but I was also excited ...
- Small VictoriesSeptember 17, 20182Maureen Schaefer
I went a co-worker's wedding a few weeks ago. It was more of a work obligation than a social one, but I felt I had ...
- Coming To Terms With AngerSeptember 10, 20180Guest Post
By Sue Dagg Life isn’t fair. This is a phrase I remember having repeated to me over and over by my mother when I was growing ...
- Day By DaySeptember 3, 20180Andrea Manning
I’m approaching my 6th year as a loss mom; which is a bit crazy - it means some how, some way, I have survived the ...
- The Special PeopleAugust 27, 20180Guest Post
It’s been a year and a half since my daughter, River, died. December 22nd, 2016, was the day the old me died too. I no ...
- Reclaiming MeAugust 20, 20180Beth Ann Morhardt
Grief waves strike without warning. A beautiful day full of celebration can turn on a dime and the sadness and tears can overwhelm all other ...
- The Depth of Grief After Infant LossAugust 15, 20182Guest Post
By Alison Ferrera As I write this I am acutely aware, as I always am, of exactly how long I have lived without my daughter. Six ...
- Mama Orca And Reflections On GriefAugust 10, 20186Andrea Manning
I have been following the news, much like I’m sure many of you are, the Mama Orca is on her 16th day of carrying her ...
- Does It Make Me A Bad Mom?August 6, 20180Guest Post
By Brooke Long Just last weekend, while driving home from seeing my two amazing godchildren, I heard the new song “Life Changes” by Thomas Rhett for ...
- At LeastJuly 23, 20182Guest Post
By Sue Dagg We need to talk. No, not you, new Loss Mother and Loss Fathers. You focus on whatever gets you through each moment. I ...
- MosaicJuly 16, 20180Beth Ann Morhardt
That horrible night in the ER twenty years ago was the loneliest I have ever been. My heart was breaking, part of me wanted it ...
- Now What?July 9, 20180Ashleigh McDonald
(Editor's Note: This article does touch on hopes and fears of having another child. If this is a sensitive topic for you, please read with ...
- Dear MayaJune 15, 20183Guest Post
(Editor's Note: This article does touch on termination for medical reasons and religious talk of seeing your child again; if these are sensitive topics for ...
- Not-So-Happy Father's DayJune 13, 20180Beth Ann Morhardt
As the Mom of an angel baby, who at the time of his loss was no longer in a relationship with his father, Father’s Day ...
- Grief After the First YearJune 7, 20180Guest Post
Today is my sweet daughter Celia’s birthday. She would be two years old. I have been struggling with the fact that this anniversary seems to ...
- SecretMay 21, 20181Guest Post
By Sue Dagg I have a secret; one that I would actually prefer for others to know. This secret echoes inside my mind every time I meet ...
- Strong ShamingMay 14, 20181Andrea Manning
I'm starting to get annoyed. Yup, you've been warned. Six years since we buried Thomas; and many years since I let go of the dream ...
- Single Mom of Angel ISO Place to BelongMay 7, 20180Beth Ann Morhardt
So, here we are again, approaching Mother's Day as we do every year. Until I lost Kendall 20 years ago, I had no idea there ...
- May 2ndMay 2, 20182Maureen Schaefer
As of today, it has now been five years since my fifth miscarriage. May 2nd should be about raising virtual wands in memory of those who ...
- ExcusesApril 30, 20180Guest Post
By Sue Dagg When I was a little girl, I remember saying to my Mum, “it’s not an excuse, it’s a REASON!” That seemed like an ...
- Trying Again After LossApril 23, 20180Guest Post
{Editor's Note: This article deals with trying to conceive, infertility and the hope of a living child after loss; if these are sensitive subjects for ...
- Two YearsApril 16, 20180Guest Post
by Brittany Sherlock Two years ago my life changed forever. Two years ago my daughter was born sleeping. Two years ago I held my beautiful perfect angel for ...
- 20 Years And CountingApril 11, 20180Beth Ann Morhardt
April 14th will mark the 20th loss anniversary of my son Kendall. Twenty years of tears and joys, losses and loves, hopes and dreams shattered ...
- On Being Too Sad To Support Me In Celebrating My Son.April 9, 20182Amber Smiley
“It’s just too sad. I don’t want to think about that…I can’t be around it.” I remember when I had this switch you seem to be ...
- A Letter To Myself At 4 WeeksApril 4, 20181Guest Post
By Alison Ferrara Dear New Momma, You are about to embark on the scariest, most heartbreaking, most beautiful journey of your life. You think you know this ...
- When It Becomes Too MuchApril 2, 20183Andrea Manning
Here comes an understatement: it isn't easy being a Still Mother. It isn't easy to walk around with a heart full of love and empty ...
- Please RememberMarch 26, 20180Guest Post
To My Acquaintances Who Did Not Hear: This is for all of you who see me regularly but are not my friends, to those who knew ...
- Meeting My SonMarch 19, 20180Beth Ann Morhardt
Those of us who have been single as full grown adults know that most in our age range have children, and at this stage of ...
- The Road Less TraveledMarch 12, 20180Ashleigh McDonald
I lost my daughter. That is my truth. Once I got over the initial shock of her loss, and accepted that truth, I knew I had ...
- Grieving Without GodFebruary 28, 20183Guest Post
*Editors Note: This post is about the author’s struggle with faith, religion and personal beliefs after loss. If faith is a triggering subject for you, please proceed ...
- Loneliness of LossFebruary 26, 20180Guest Post
When you lose a baby no one ever tells you how completely and utterly alone you feel once you come out of hospital. I think ...
- It's OK To Be OKFebruary 21, 20181Guest Post
Grief really is like the wave that so many people relate it to. Sometimes you feel as if you’re drowning, sometimes you are just barely ...
- An Open Letter To Expectant & Newborn MothersFebruary 19, 20184Guest Post
Dear Expectant/Newborn Mother, Let me just say that I am so happy for you. I am so happy that your baby is healthy and that you are ...
- Knowing It Was BestFebruary 14, 20180Beth Ann Morhardt
When I found out I was pregnant with Kendall, I was no longer in a relationship with his Dad. There were real reasons why the ...
- Meeting My Sleeping BabyFebruary 12, 20183Guest Post
At 11.50PM, September 6th 2017, I gave birth to death. My first son was stillborn at 36 week gestation and – as every mother would ...
- EchoesFebruary 7, 20180Maureen Schaefer
It’s now been 21 years since I said goodbye to my first child, the amethyst color of my heart. The day of her miscarriage, I ...
- The Harsh RealitiesFebruary 5, 20180Ashleigh McDonald
There’s not much that you can say you “expect” after the loss of a child. Every day is unexpected; will the grief blindly sneak up ...
- Reclaiming My Daughter's BirthJanuary 29, 20180Guest Post
I’m reclaiming my daughter’s birth. When I went into labour at 23+4 weeks, I was scared and sad. I’d been on strict bed rest almost two ...
- Therapeutic Endeavors III: The LetterJanuary 26, 20180Amber Smiley
If you did not read my previous posts, Therapeutic Endeavors part I & part II, I’ll catch you up. Basically; I had a crappy therapist, became ...
- Therapeutic Endeavors Part IIJanuary 24, 20180Amber Smiley
If you read the first part of this post last time, you already know that I had nothing but bad experiences with therapists my whole ...
- Therapeutic Endeavors Part IJanuary 22, 20180Amber Smiley
Have I ever told you about the therapist I saw just one time after my son died? No? Let me tell you now. If I could ...
- The Eyes I Used To HaveJanuary 17, 20180Andrea Manning
Recently, I found a box of old pictures - always an interesting and terrifying worm hole to jump down. These were pictures from high school ...
- No Partner In GriefJanuary 15, 20182Beth Ann Morhardt
It has been 19 years since that awful night in the emergency room when everything changed. Nineteen years since the woman I was shifted into ...
- My Heart And Uterus HurtJanuary 10, 20180Andrea Manning
When I was early in the grief process, I read an amazing post, over at Still Standing, by the equally amazing Angela Miller. It was ...
- Baby Showers After LossJanuary 8, 20185Guest Post
When you are unwillingly initiated into the baby loss “club,” one of the first things you usually learn is what your personal grief triggers are. ...
- The Lonely Road of GriefJanuary 3, 20180Guest Post
Grieving the loss of your baby is a very, very lonely road. It is long. It is slow. It is isolating. At the beginning you cry endlessly, ...
- Silver LiningsJanuary 1, 20181Ashleigh McDonald
While I know that nothing will ever replace the loss of my daughter and I will never stop wondering, “what if”, as I have worked ...
- Christmas, in a Still householdDecember 24, 20171Andrea Manning
I had wonderful Christmas mornings, growing up. My face would light up, as I would peer around the corner and see that stockings had been ...
- What About Him?December 18, 20170Lorraine Donnelly
People ask him how I am all the time. They send me wishes and love, and grieve with me. But what about him? He goes to ...
- Our Dog, a Source of LoveDecember 13, 20172Guest Post
I'm a mother. My beautiful baby girl Camila died six months ago and I struggle daily to live without her in my arms. I'm lucky ...
- Remembering The Ones That Aren't ThereDecember 11, 20170Caitlin Robbins
Last Christmas was the first without our sweet boy, and honestly, it was as crappy as I had expected it to be. Between the traditions ...
- Being a Childless MotherDecember 6, 20172Beth Ann Morhardt
I am sure for many, the idea of being a Childless Mother, is an oxymoron. For, if one does not have a child, she is ...
- Beating BreakdownsDecember 4, 20170Lorraine Donnelly
OK, I know what you’re thinking… There is nothing worse than a Breakdown. It’s been days, months, and maybe years since you’ve had one. It ...
- How To Cope With Friends Who Take Their Kids For GrantedDecember 1, 20170Guest Post
Do you ever feel frustrated or resentful when you hear people complaining about their kids? Like when your friend vents about how little sleep she's getting ...
- Finding Happiness For OthersNovember 29, 20170Ashleigh McDonald
I’ve always thought of myself as a genuine and empathetic person. In fact, I still find that to be true. However, after the loss of ...