The death of your baby(ies) is heartbreaking. Facing a lifetime of grief with the additional pain of infertility or secondary infertility is devastating. Many women were overjoyed to learn they were finally able to become pregnant, only to learn their precious child had died. For others, secondary infertility after loss has robbed her of her hope for the future. Either situation can lead to overwhelming feelings of grief, sadness, anger, and resentment. That’s why we have a group just for women who understand. Still Mothers_Infertility Support**.
We believe in the power of connecting with others who understand the unique grief of living without your child(ren) with the added heartbreak of infertility. If you are mother facing infertility and the loss of your child(ren), please come join us: Still Mothers_Infertility Support**.
**PLEASE NOTE: once you ask to join you will be prompted to answer a few questions. You must answer these questions to be considered for the group. If an admin has additional questions about your responses, then they will message you.**
We have several other groups to fit your needs best! If this isn’t the group for you, check out the others on our Support Page.